25 Questions: 11-15

No preamble today. Tired :blank:

11. How many Works In Progress do you have at this time?
A nice round 10. I don’t intend to let it get any higher. A bit lower would be nice, but given my penchant for starting things, I’ll be happy if I can keep it at 10 or less.

12. How many UFOs do you have at this time?
Ok, well, perhaps I could amend the above answer to 9, and answer 1, here. Mirabilia’s Winter Queen is the thorn in my side. I haven’t officially put her in the UFO pile yet, but deep in my heart, I know I probably will end up doing so. I’ll explain the problems with WQ some other day.

13. How many cross stitch charts/kits/mags do you own?
I did a rough count earlier today. It looks like about 175 charts/kits (less than 12 of that number would be kits… I just don’t like them). I only have a handful of magazines – 8, that I could see. Designs in magazines rarely appeal to me. I also have 5 books – three Best of TW books, one Joan Elliott book, and a book of children’s story characters. While doing the tally, I decided I really must do a bit of a cull. There are probably 15-20 charts I could happily sell or trade, maybe in order to part-fund my leap off the wagon in January!

14. How much fabric do you have in stock at this time?
About 60 pieces. About half are standard fabrics (largely neutral colours), the rest are hand-dyed. About half are Fat Quarters, the rest are smaller pieces. Why is it that I have so much fabric, and never the right piece for a new project?

15. Where is your favorite place to stitch?
At the moment, I do all my stitching in an armchair beside the piano in our loungeroom. There’s an unused DVD shelving unit behind me, where I plonk my stitching paraphenalia, cups of coffee, sour Altoids, etc. And I have my big red box… which, like Winter Queen, deserves a post of its very own, but essentially, it holds my WIPs.

{more tomorrow…}

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