
Yep, that’s about it. Blah.

I had a very Not Fun blood-taking experience today. The vein in question has apparently decided to bleed under my skin, thus I have a gory looking inner elbow right now. Ewww :yuk:

Oh… in case you’re wondering (and I’m sure you were on the edge of your seats!) a long-neglected WIP won the screaming contest – I dragged out Spring Dragon, and have so far spent 3 hours of a planned 10 working on it. On the never ending border. Achieving apparently nothing. Grrr. Then today I spent almost that length of time again re-kitting it, because I decided I hate working from DMC flossbows for large projects, and have (gasp!) returned to bobbining. I swore I would never bobbin again, but here we are :bored:


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