Tag Archives: blog upgrade


Ahem. Sorry about the unscheduled broken-time. A stupid mistake – I was upgrading my WordPress installation and then went to bed without actually testing it properly, and hey, turns out I missed that teeny tiny .htaccess file that makes it all work. So Million Stitches was broken good and proper this last 24 hours. Never mind. We’re back in business now. And I have part two of the Smalls Exchange to show you. Here are the pretties which Christine stitched for me – an Ellen Maurer Stroh biscornu (beautiful beaded edge Christine 🙂 ) and fob:


Aren’t they gorgeous? You can see more images on Christine’s post, including a photograph of the extra goodies she sent me – a lovely handmade card, highlighters (staple of any stitcher’s toolkit!), doggie post-its which Finn very much fancies for himself, and the very beautiful Drawn Thread Cloister Garden kit. This is me on opening my gifties: 😆

WordPress Updated

If you come across any bugs in my blog in the next while, could you please let me know? After some initial “issues” with WordPress 2.0 when it was first released, I filed upgrading in the “can’t be bothered” box. OtherHalf finally got tired of hassling me about it, and upgraded my blog for me to WP2.0.2 😀 We had some problems getting all the smilies back in action, but hopefully there won’t be any other problems.