Tag Archives: Calico Crossroads

Two Cats


I was so caught up in my triumphant night of sleep (which has not been since repeated, and lets not talk about it) the other day that I forgot to post a happy dance – Leslie received her Friendship Exchange from me, so I can now show you a pic. The photo comes courtesy of Leslie, since I forgot to take a picture (for the second time in a row now). This is Calico Crossroads ‘Tale of two Kitties’, dedicated to Leslie’s two lovely black furkids, Zoe and Cooper. Check them out sitting on the windowsill in this post on Leslie’s blog. A perfect match for this design, don’t you think?!

I framed this up into a standard sized frame (without glass, obviously, since it had to travel the world) – I haven’t done any custom framing in ages – long enough that my DIY framing shop has started sending me notices about taking a refresher course. I’d love to have the space and money to set up my own framing equipment, but somehow I don’t think that will happen in the forseeable future. Meanwhile, click on the pic for a closer look – and try and forgive me the carried threads that are visible 😳