Tag Archives: fabric

Hot and Colds

Thirty-eight degrees and I do not get along so well (that’s °C, aka 100°F). So this weekend has not been so fun. Three of them in a row!!! Yuk :yuk:

Yesterday was the worst. Hot days are even less fun when taking care of a sick and over-tired babe. Especially when feeling kind of sick yourself, and especially when the babe in question is also painfully cutting more teeth 🙁

We all came down with sniffles and sore throats over the last couple of days, probably courtesy of a certain pre-schooler. Getting a ‘cold’ in the middle of a blistering summer is really odd. The usual ‘rug up under a doona on the couch and drink chicken soup’ rule doesn’t apply. Instead all we want to do is lay about wearing as little as possible (!) and doing as little as possible.

But that was yesterday. Today, we have been much better. Niamh has returned to her favourite hot weather pastime – playing in the foot of the shower and getting thoroughly soaked. Finn has returned to… well actually, perhaps he’s not completely over it, he was super-cranky today. But we also fitted in some shopping (mostly me), some cleaning (mostly OtherHalf) and an unexpected visit from my little sister (yay!), all despite the continuing heat. Also, I made a little something. I tried to get pictures but the light was crappy so I’ll try again tomorrow. Here’s a little clue. It’s my latest colourful addiction:

Crafty Fabric Tower

Pretty, no?

New Stuff

Christine, your comment about crazy stash acquisition made me smile… since going off the Wagon Challenge at the end of ’05, I’ve been a bit crazy myself. I haven’t always fully confessed, but needless to say, I haven’t stuck to that ‘goal oriented’ plan I had 😳 My latest temptation was the SB&B Easter Sale, and I’m waiting on a couple of The Cat’s Whiskers charts, Enchanted Mermaid, a Drawn Thread chart and some mesh bags. I think that’s it!


Anyway, all guilt aside – first off today, a new fabric I dyed up recently. I adore this. It’s a fat quarter of 28-count Lugana, and I dyed it with Mirabilia’s Midsummers Night Dream in mind. I have just plugged it into the fabric viewer, and it does look lovely with that design, but there’s a number of other Mirabilias it looks great for too – oddly enough, Enchanted Mermaid is one of them. I never envisaged a purple for that design.

I have a bunch of other white fabric just waiting for inspiration to strike – 2 FQs of Quaker (my personal favourite), 3 FQs of Cashel, and 2 more of Lugana. I also have a piece of Belfast I dyed but hate the results of, so I’m going to try over-dyeing that to see what I can acheive. Hopefully, if I get a bunch of satisfactory fabrics out of this lot, my desire for stash expansion will subside a little!

Next is my newest start – yet another Mirabilia – Mermaids of the Deep Blue. I seem to be going through a very definite Mirabilia phase at the moment 🙂 I’d estimate there’s about 20 hours put into this so far, though I didn’t record times so far. There’s two weekends away worth of work in it, put it that way. I’m stitching this on hand-dyed Babbling Brook Jobelan – my first large piece on Jobelan, and I like it more than I thought I would, actually.

I’m a Silkweaver Floozy!

Ahhhhhh. Nothing quite like a Silkweaver order to put my mood back on the top shelf. I finally got to an Odds & Ends update before everything disappeared, and baby, I cleaned up on the 28-count fabrics! For the curious, here’s the list: Cashel in Misty Blue, Ice Blue, Smokey Pearl, Lilac & Vintage Country Mocha; Jobelan in Dove Gray & Twilight Blue; Lugana in Pewter, Lavender Bliss & Moss Green 😆

My stash is a bit light on fabrics, so this will provide a healthy boost. I must say though, I’m a bit sad Silkweaver are going out of the standard fabrics business. They have always had such a great range and their prices and postage are wonderful. The stash-packs and small cuts were great, I don’t see similar offerings anywhere else (though please enlighten me if there are). In my dreams there would be one fantastic ONS where I could get everything I wanted, rather than having to shop multiple locations.

Something else happened today to put a huge smile on my face. Annette sent me a simply gorgeous, snuggly baby afghan for Small. I don’t have a picture yet, but I promise to show you very soon.

We’re going away for a few days over the Easter weekend… I know, still no Floss tutorial, I’m sorry 🙁 I’ve just been super busy doing… hmmmm, not really sure. This’n’that, really! But I have been super busy doing it! Hope you all have a lovely Easter as well, and I’ll see you when I’m back 🙂

Stash Saturation Point

As I have every month since I discovered Hoffman’s, I checked the new releases the other day. I am happy to report that there was nothing added to my wishlist! Well, technically, I added Dimple Designs’ Ladybug and Bee collections, but I added those a few days earlier, when I saw them on the new Dimples’ website. I didn’t add the new Mirabilia to my list, or the new L&L, Celtic Winter. Even the new Elizabeth’s Designs selection didn’t really appeal, and she’s usually a favourite of mine.

Happily, this has been the case of the last few months. I think the serious stash explosion of 2003 and 2004 has brought me close to stash saturation point. I still do have a sizeable wishlist though, and being “on the wagon” for most of 2005 will probably cause it to grow into quite the shopping list for January 😆 But I think really I’m pretty happy with what I’ve accumulated.

Well… that’s the story of my charts, anyway! Fabric is a whole ‘nother story…definitely an area of my stash that needs some work :giggle: