Tag Archives: Family

The Missing Post…

… is missing no more. (If you’re thinking ‘what the heck…?’, see tomorrow’s post 🙂 )

This is a ‘what I did on the weekend’ sorta post. What I did this weekend was… I wondered when we became ‘those people’. You know who I’m talking about. Those people who spend their weekend shopping for furniture, and who drop into Bunnings for two things and come out with a trolleyfull (for those in the US, I think Bunnings = Home Depot); those people who spend their weekend tiling the kitchen and planting the vegetable garden. I tell you what, weekends got a whole lot more expensive and a whole lot less relaxing since we became a SITKOM family! (Single Income, Two Kids, Oppressive Mortgage).

The absolute worst piece of evidence that we have become those people? The one that I’m ashamed to even admit to?

Yesterday, we had lunch at McDonalds.

Mortifying! :giggle:

A Story in 8 Pictures

(a.k.a ‘Gratuitous baby shots’ 🙂 Enjoy!)


PS. There may have been some editorial license taken regarding the order of the pictures. Maybe :giggle:


Wheeeee! Did you hear that? It was Time, whistling by overhead. Niamh is a month old already. How did that happen?!

Apart from that odd hazy-vague feeling brought about by a steep decrease in concurrent hours of sleep, I’m doing pretty well. Really well, even.

Apart from a rather unattractive heat rash spreading across her neck and face, Niamh is definitely doing really well. No smiles yet (Finn smiled in the forth week… not that we’re keeping score or anything… !) but I’m sure they’re just around the corner. She’s still largely a peaceful baby, and rapt in her big brother. I captured some magic two days ago:

Awake Niamh…

plus Storytime with Finn…

equals Sleeping Baby 🙂 Hooray!

That actually happened – I am not making it up! Sadly, it is not always so. Tonight, for instance, we are just starting into our third hour of Operation Get-Niamh-To-Sleep-In-The-Cot. And what do you know, she can cry, after all. Quite well, in fact :blank:

So the ability to put together coherent sentences is slowly leaving me… I’ll leave you now with two words. Niamh’s special skill.

Projectile Vomiting 😮

(Finn never even spit-up. You know, not that we’re keeping score or anything!!!)

Just Briefly

Both babes are a-slumber, I’m on my way there shortly (I hope), and I’ve finished my evening routine of slathering dozens of lotions and potions onto various parts of my body (pharmacies must love new mothers and babies!) So I thought I’d pop in here and offer you a few happy shots:
There was going to be some stitching in my life today (the chart I’m stitching for Leslie arrived yesterday) but somehow I just didn’t get to it. Perhaps tomorrow…

Good Things, Bad Things

Good Thing: Lending Manager has approved our request to borrow more $$$ 🙂
Bad Thing: Bit scary, that! :blank:

Good Thing: There are 4 or 5 houses on the market in our desired area which may be in our price range 🙂
Bad Thing: One of which sold at auction today for more than we expected 🙁

Good Thing: Played in my stash the other day, found a design to stitch for the Red Exchange 🙂
Bad Thing: Still no actual desire to stitch, no time either 🙁

Good Thing: Have formed a group with 3 other apparently competent people for major assignment in Web Database Applications 🙂
Bad Thing: We all got stuck in an elevator at uni together 😮

Good Thing: Got to see the wee babe again today, and a cuddle too 🙂
Bad Thing: Fatherinlaw is in hospital awaiting eye surgery after a construction incident 😥

It’s been quite the few days. Not feeling particularly chatty right now.