Tag Archives: remembrance

Occupying my Mind

It’s been a week of half-conceived not-yet-written blog posts. The post that’s still overdue from December (pictures of my humbug-advent-calendar, hand-sewn stockings and Finn’s birthday cake). Another look-what-I-dyed post (floss in choc-mint and mixed-berry, can you tell I’m a sweet-tooth?!). An OMG-Niamh-is-8-months-old-can-you-believe-it post (she is! Can you believe it?!).

And a one-year-on since Laura died post.

But about that, I really don’t know what to say at all. I have thought so much about her lately. About her life, and her death, and about how differently people react to and move forward (or not) from suicide. (This from a much closer-to-home perspective also, as we recently marked one year since my young cousin took his life). About advice Laura gave me that I sometimes forget to take. About the beautiful quilt we made in her memory. I don’t think any profound understanding has come of all this reflection, but suddenly now that the anniversary is here (though yesterday and gone already, by our time), I feel a lot more at peace. I simply wish the same peace for everyone who grieves for Laura.